Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church

A Community based on Faith, Altar and the Word

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Welcome to the website of Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church in Balsall Common. Here you can find details of the parish, our latest newsletter, services and sacraments offered by the Church and, in our parish archive, the events we have held. As a parish we value your privacy. Please follow the link here to learn more about the privacy policy that covers all catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Birmingham,
Father Frank writes
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Through liturgy and worship, formation, evangelisation and social outreach, the Diocesan Vision calls us to work for the renewal of the Church. The then Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, insisted that, “The true celebration of the Sacred Liturgy is the centre of any renewal of the Church whatever.” This is why the New Evangelisation must be founded on the faithful and fruitful celebration of the Sacred Liturgy as passed down and presented to us by the Church in her tradition. This is because it is in the Sacred Liturgy, especially in the Mass - the source and summit of the Church’s life, that we encounter the saving action of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most profound way. Liturgy for us in the Church is not just a series of actions or rituals but an encounter with the living Christ who alone offers perfect worship to God and who draws all people to himself through the Sacrifice of the Cross made present in the Eucharist.
The Parish follows the safeguarding standards advised by The Archdiocese of Birmingham. You can view these standards by following the link here.

A link to the Archdiocese safeguarding website can be found

Safespaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. To contact Safespaces, please follow the link to their website here.

The Isaiah Journey The Isaiah Journey is a working group of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales which has grown out of the need for a pastoral-spiritual response to the suffering of victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. It provides A Guide for Survivors of Abuse that can be found here.

The Safeguarding Rep for our Parish is Monica Green and she can be contacted via email at

Parish Events

Looking for the rest of the Parish Event List? We have archived the list from our old site but you can still view them here.
24.05.2025Diocesan Pilgrimage to LourdesThe dates for the annual pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Birmingham to Lourdes dates been announced: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 May 2025, More information available at
24.11.2024Youth SundayWe will be celebrating Youth Sunday at our 9.30am Mass on Sunday 24th November, followed by a party for the children. All are welcome.
16.11.2024Parish QuizOur quiz night is on Saturday 16th November, for teams of up to 6 people. The cost is £10 per person, to include supper. Kathy Jones will be collecting names and payment after mass.
05.11.2024Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRGAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome.
03.11.2024Second Collection todayThe second collection today is for the Johnson Association.
03.11.2024WelcomeWe welcome Archbishop Bernard and Father Dominic. We are very grateful to His Grace for agreeing to minister to the Sacraments to us today.
03.11.2024Confirmation candidatesWe pray for the confirmation candidates, their parents, families and friends, for their sponsors and catechists.
03.11.2024Prayer GroupOur Prayer Group meets at BRG. each Thursday at 3pm until 4pm Everyone is most welcome
03.11.2024New LectionariesWould all those who have made donations to offset the cost of the new Lectionaries please confirm with Fr Frank in order that the dedicatory book plates may be allocated.
03.11.2024Midweek MassMass at Blessed Robert Grissold this Tuesday 5th November at 7pm, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with Benediction at 8pm.
03.11.2024New EncyclicalThe Pope has issued his fourth encyclical, “Dilexit Nos” – He Loved Us. Cardinal Vincent Nichols has emphasised that the Letter is for all of us. For more information see
02.11.2024Blessing of Graves at Oscott CemeteryFamily and friends of those buried at Oscott Cemetery are invited to the Blessing of Graves on Saturday 2nd November at 3pm. Please see the noticeboard for further information or contact Alison Hutcheson at the Cemetery Office - 0121 321 5026 between 10am & 2pm.
27.10.2024BRG Church 30th Anniversary Celebrations (Parish Meal)2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. Archbishop Bernard Longley will celebrate mass in our church on Sunday 3rd November, Parish Quiz Night – Saturday 16th November (please note this is a change of date) and Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th November 2024 (Youth Sunday)
27.10.2024ChoirWe have just started practising music for Christmas! If you enjoy singing and would like to join us, please speak to Ian Clarke or email – no previous choir experience necessary!
27.10.2024Book of RemembranceThis will be updated ready for All Souls Day. If you would like a loved one to be added, please complete one of the forms and leave it in the back of the book.
26.10.2024St Margaret Clitherow PilgrimageOn 26 & 27 October, including visits to the Shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, her relics at the Bar Convent and the place of her execution. All welcome. For information and itinerary please see
26.10.2024Save the Children: Quiz night Save the Children Quiz night will be held on 26th October at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall. Tickets are £14 per person including a supper of jacket potatoes (with a choice of fillings). Teams of 6 people. Tickets available from Linda Chesshire - telephone 07974932386.
20.10.2024Second CollectionToday is World Mission Sunday – we can support the Church’s mission by contributing to Missio in today’s second collection.
20.10.2024CAFODAgain, an amazing collection for CAFOD Family Fast Day. We have collected £456.55 and of that, £300 has been gift aided. So, the total donation should come to £531.55! Thank you so much! Chris Lynn
20.10.2024Flower RotaThe rota is being updated and more helpers are needed. It only involves a couple of times per year. Please see Pam Martin after Mass or call her on: 01676 534916
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The dates for the annual pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Birmingham to Lourdes dates been announced: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 May 2025, More information available at
We will be celebrating Youth Sunday at our 9.30am Mass on Sunday 24th November, followed by a party for the children. All are welcome.
Our quiz night is on Saturday 16th November, for teams of up to 6 people. The cost is £10 per person, to include supper. Kathy Jones will be collecting names and payment after mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome.
The second collection today is for the Johnson Association.
We welcome Archbishop Bernard and Father Dominic. We are very grateful to His Grace for agreeing to minister to the Sacraments to us today.
We pray for the confirmation candidates, their parents, families and friends, for their sponsors and catechists.
Our Prayer Group meets at BRG. each Thursday at 3pm until 4pm Everyone is most welcome
Would all those who have made donations to offset the cost of the new Lectionaries please confirm with Fr Frank in order that the dedicatory book plates may be allocated.
Mass at Blessed Robert Grissold this Tuesday 5th November at 7pm, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with Benediction at 8pm.
The Pope has issued his fourth encyclical, “Dilexit Nos” – He Loved Us. Cardinal Vincent Nichols has emphasised that the Letter is for all of us. For more information see
Family and friends of those buried at Oscott Cemetery are invited to the Blessing of Graves on Saturday 2nd November at 3pm. Please see the noticeboard for further information or contact Alison Hutcheson at the Cemetery Office - 0121 321 5026 between 10am & 2pm.
2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. Archbishop Bernard Longley will celebrate mass in our church on Sunday 3rd November, Parish Quiz Night – Saturday 16th November (please note this is a change of date) and Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th November 2024 (Youth Sunday)
We have just started practising music for Christmas! If you enjoy singing and would like to join us, please speak to Ian Clarke or email – no previous choir experience necessary!
This will be updated ready for All Souls Day. If you would like a loved one to be added, please complete one of the forms and leave it in the back of the book.
On 26 & 27 October, including visits to the Shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, her relics at the Bar Convent and the place of her execution. All welcome. For information and itinerary please see
Save the Children Quiz night will be held on 26th October at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall. Tickets are £14 per person including a supper of jacket potatoes (with a choice of fillings). Teams of 6 people. Tickets available from Linda Chesshire - telephone 07974932386.
Today is World Mission Sunday – we can support the Church’s mission by contributing to Missio in today’s second collection.
Again, an amazing collection for CAFOD Family Fast Day. We have collected £456.55 and of that, £300 has been gift aided. So, the total donation should come to £531.55! Thank you so much! Chris Lynn
The rota is being updated and more helpers are needed. It only involves a couple of times per year. Please see Pam Martin after Mass or call her on: 01676 534916
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Parish Calendar

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